La casona de tia VictoriaLa casona de tia Victoria
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La casona de Tía Victoria is a XVI building, that was rebuilt in the early 1900s, and now totally reformed to meet new comfort standards while remaining its original architecture in December 2010.

In the center of the Ville of Rueda, in the heart of Castilla & León, one of the largest amount of Monuments worldwide, with the Ruedo River close to the house and in the middle of an area with more than 350 winaries.
Perfect to Visit Spain with your family or friends. In less than 2-3 hours you can reach all the main Monumental Cities or you can enjoy the “Campos de Castilla (Fields of Castilla)” and its nature in less than 2 minutes.

About us

Despite the reforms is still maintained key parts of origins, as well, stack, a bath…

It is a House with history since slept here the villagers who came to visit the Queen Juana and is dedicated in his honor. We have a poem dedicated to them:

Avanzan, pasada Rueda
Entre cardos polvorientos
Les queman el sol sus armas
Se levantan los vencejos

Padilla, Bravo y Zapata
Van cabalgando parejos
Cuando surge en los pinares
Un grupo de caballeros

Although years go all the new items we add try to be adapted to the classic style that requires this House.

About Rueda

The Village of Rueda was initially built close the Zapardiel river, where acient Roman vestiges from 380 to 420 DC have been found. Its current situation appears in the History for the first time in the year of 981.

Rueda had an economic boom resulting “Fever of Wine” that its people and involves the Council of Castile in 1763 for abusive clearings for planting vineyards. In the late nineteenth century phylloxera comes in Valladolid and attack heavily to the Vineyard.

his situation is overcome by introducing a variety of grapes from France and that will give rise to the success of its current wine: the Verdejo. Rueda has the oldest Denomination of Origin in Castilla y León, recognized in 1977 and definitively approved in 1980.

Today it comprises 70 municipalities in the Provinces of Valladolid, Avila and Segovia, and 55 wineries, including the 14 in the Village Itself.

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